
Mountain Road

I have started this blog to help develop friendships in a group of scattered spiritual seekers I meet with individually from time to time. I believe in the power of cross-fertilisation of thoughts and conversation – the synergy of friends on the journey.

Sometimes we are viewed as those who ‘don’t go to church.’ But who we are is not a negative – we don’t meet to not do something! We meet for positive reasons of mutual encouragement, growth, friendship and exploration.

There is no particular creed in this community – we are friends on a journey, exploring spiritual truth.

Perhaps we have in common a dissatisfaction of the institution and hierarchical leadership. We seek the mutual respect of each other and a belief that the Spirit of God moves through all of us in different ways.

We are not looking to start another institution but perhaps feel the common bond of fellow travellers on a similar journey.

We meet here and there, in ones and twos, now and then. We don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Fellow travellers are welcome.

[More about me at: http://about.me/donegan ]


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